All true but for a small percentage of us who have very little power individually, but enough of us together can, like a snowflake, shut down NYC. Their vulnerability, one we are apparently not to discuss, is the monetary system, its history, how it works, what it does, etc. Money is the governing factor, and "absolute power" is having the power to create and allocate all the money, which the oligarch owned banking system creates as debt, a form of slavery. The banks create credit which we use as money. Greenbacks were money created as money, government issued debt-free, permanently circulating asset money. Since then, there have been numerous proposals to change the monetary system from this privately controlled scam to a publicly controlled system. The latest was introduced to Congress in 2011 by Dennis Kucinich as The NEED Act. Money issued under this system will, like the Greenbacks, cause debt to begin disappearing from the economy, people will feel freer, interest rates will go down as banks will have to compete for depositors, and prices will go down 50% on average because the capital costs will no longer be there. Learn more at