Coops are a strategy to survive in a capitalist system but they are not the solution. Capitalism is funding ecocide, to them it is just collateral damage.
(capital = money) + (ism = system) = capitalism = money system. The central feature and source of awesome power for capitalism is their debt based private global monetary system we have been made dependent on.
Capitalism is a parasite on the back of free enterprise, the two are often and wrongly conflated. Every household, business and government in this world is in debt to and dependent on the banking system.
Nations need to reclaim their sovereign right to issue debt-free money, the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance, and reclaim their resources for the general welfare of their people.
Any government that does not control its money is controlled by those who do and is an oligarchy, it cannot be a democracy. Money is power embodied in law and thus to claim democracy it must be made a public function.