David, I so wish you had studied the money issue more, we learn from the history. monetaryalliance.org
“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. " ~ J. K. Galbraith
Money once represented sacred reciprocity, it will be part of making Earth sacred again, making it our servant not our master. Today all money is issued as interest-bearing debt, a form of slavery as the Bible says. My point is that those who make the key big decisions affecting our lives and this planet are a small group of people who control the creation of money and a massive accumulation of it. They control the resources and thus control every industry and have for over a century, Fossil Fuels, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Ag, the government etc. all in the name of maximizing profit. The reason farmers are so dominated by them is that they produce 70% of the raw materials in the economy. Money is the connecting tissue and the "leverage point" in the system. https://medium.com/me/stories/public
I would love to have a convesation with you about it. I also liked the books you mention but it was the Lost Science of Money by Zarlenga and New Money for a New World by Lietaer that opened my mind's eye.
“The things that are the most difficult to think about are the things that are most familiar to us.” Martin Heidegger, German philosopher