Democracy never commits suicide, it is always murdered by an oligarchy. "We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Justice Louis Brandeis.
We were never given that choice, we will have to fight for it. Greg, I am sure you know that money is the governing factor due to its power aspect. It is also the leverage point for changing the entire system from one issuing money privately as debt to enslave and subjugate for personal gain, concentrating it to the few, to a system issuing money as a public asset for public care broadly distributing it to the many. Money is power, a power that must be public not private. I would like to invite you to speak to our online monetary reform group, we meet weekly. There are so few of us who see how the money system works, I think we need to stand together and make people aware of it. Please?