
Greens: Spoiling the Spoiled

Howard Switzer
5 min readJul 14, 2023

“All successful revolutions are the kicking in of a rotten door.” — John Kenneth Galbraith

Greens are seen by the democrats as a spoiler but as Ralph Nader pointed out, the current system is already a rotten spoiled mess, how can it be any more spoiled? It is corrupt beyond measure and Greens are here to point that out and offer a path to democracy. You can vote for a spoiled system that despises most people and exploits them, their communities, and their planet for personal gain and power for a few or you can vote to build a movement for Greens to change the economic system to one benefiting all.

Of course, it is not the fault of Democrats only, but unlike the Republicans they claim to represent the working people who they’ve betrayed time and time again for decades. The bipartisan economic system the world operates under is Capitalism, that system is the problem, which I will explain later. Capitalists are shaping the narrative for a frightening totalitarian mass formation. The Green campaign needs to expose that narrative, show people how that system works and expose the primary lever of power, the “leverage point,” that point within a system where a small change can change the entire system.

Many Greens have cut loose of the left/right dichotomy and focus on the top/bottom dichotomy, those few who rule vs the many who are ruled. Like it or not, it is a global problem and all of humankind is in this together. We are all born, live a few decades and die, which should be enough for us to recognize that and to consider what kind of world we want to leave behind for our children’s children. The mass formation seeks to blind everyone to that reality.

But the Greens have a problem too in that they don’t all see the problem clearly either despite the efforts of their Banking and Monetary Reform Committee. They see the symptoms of the disease, they see the problem from its business end, the end of the whip and they respond to the victims of the whipping, challenge the minions doing the whipping and the corporate monopolies who put them in power but stop short of exposing the leverage point in the system of power. What is the “hidden hand” that controls the markets, the industries, and has for well over 100 years. What is the hidden hand that governs, that dominates the governments of the western world? The answer is money, more specifically the never questioned monetary system. This is the leverage point.

As we see with all the talk of debt, currencies, crypto, CBDC, MMT etc. there is a lot of attention already on this. As system’s analysts called in to find the problem within a system have often noted, when they discover the leverage point within the system, they find there is already a lot of attention on that point but all pushing it in the wrong direction, exacerbating the problem, not solving it.

Aristotle pointed out that money plays two roles, one as a medium of exchange for economic activity. An economy is the exchange of goods and services facilitated by money, all of which we must note comes from the natural world, including the human energy to produce anything at all. The second role of money is as an instrument of power. Money is the constitutive governing factor. This is the role ignored by most economists whose role is to protect the status quo keeping the hidden hand hidden, so well hidden in fact that most economists have no clue where money comes from much less its role as an instrument of power. Despite the evidence constantly being in our face, it is a blind spot that has been inculcated relentlessly through schools and media.

Capitalism = (capital = money) + (ism = system) = money system. The central feature and source of awesome power for the capitalists is their debt based private global monetary system. Capitalism is a parasite on the back of free enterprise, the two are often and wrongly conflated. Every household, business and government in this world is in debt to and dependent on the banking system because all money is created s debt and paying off debt with more debt is a fools game.

Nations need to reclaim their sovereign right to issue debt-free money, the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance, and reclaim their resources for the general welfare of their people.

Eighty-Four years ago, in the face the Great Depression caused by a wide range of abusive practices by the Fed banks, the world’s communities of ‘Economists’ considered the proposal of Dr. Irving Fisher, Dr. Paul Douglas and several other eminent economists. It was inspired by the work of Frederick Soddy, the father of Ecological Economics, to reform the money system along the lines we now propose. The proposal was supported by some 400 economists, world-around, to restructure our money system from one of private issue and gain to that of public issue and public gain.

This is what Greening the Dollar, the monetary platform of the Green Party proposes. Greens are the only party calling for this reform. Not since the progressive populist era has a political party called for a public money system. Greens should be proud and loud about this because it is the answer to “How are you going to pay for it?” The legislation to do this is already written and was introduced to Congress in 2011 in response to the 2008 crash. This transformative proposal must become the cornerstone of any effort for ecological and economic balance because the privately controlled profit-motivated monetary system is the primary roadblock to good public policy, foreign and domestic.

In any case, the monetary system has empowered a few to rule the many. It is a human made system, a social power embodied in law and it is the constitutive governing factor. Humans can change the law, hard to do with criminals in charge, but humans need to reclaim their sovereign power from this unelected government of those who control the money, and elect a government dedicated to the public interest who will use debt-free money to invest in the people, not profits for the few.



Howard Switzer
Howard Switzer

Written by Howard Switzer

Howard Switzer is an ecological architect and monetary reformer in rural Tennessee.

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