I agree, they have no shame and nor basic morals so the question on many minds, is how can we reverse this destructive centripetal system that forces everything to the center, wealth, production, population, etc.? That system is the privately owned monetary system run by the financial industry that issues all the money as interest-bearing debt which is the sin of sins called usury, the projenitor of the seven deadly sins and an extraordinarily efficient form of violence by which one does the most damage with the least effort. First it needs to become a kitchen table topic like it became in the late 19th century only more so with the internet. It is really a global issue which is why the BRICKS countries formed a challenge to their system's hegemony. It is also why the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) formed. Once there is a movement perhaps a challenge can be made at the ballot box. and elect a government that will take back its sovereign right to issue the money per Article 1, Section 8, clause 5 of the Constitution. To issue permanently circulating asset money, in other words issuing money as money instead of credit. That is what the revolution was fought for and while we won the revolution militarily we did not win the power, we did not win monetarily, and our system, as are most nations are controlled by the owners of the private banking industry as the world has been for at least 400 years, all due to war debts the profiteers masterfully manipulated. . There is now 3 times more debt globally ($315T) than than there is money in the world ($85T) What a scam, 50% of the prices we pay for all the goods and services, on average, are capital costs, interest going to the banks. Issuing money as debt is itself inflationary and the bankers depend on it. I think Carl Sagan may have been right, that when people are banboozled long enough it becomes too painful to admit they've been taken. Thus we pay for our own slavery never looking up even if we be fierce in the stupid horizontal struggle.