I agree with your analysis, as Frederick did, and also agree with your view of Bitcoin. It reminds me of the story Donella Meadows told about "leverage points." That when systems analysts find, "that one point where a small change changes everything in the system" they discover lots attention on it already but all pushing it in the wrong direction. Money is the leverage point in our economic system and the solution has been in the wings for centuries but repressed by the existing system that issues money as debt for personal gain, which is usury. Usury is the abuse of monetary authority for personal gain and what Dante regarded as the sin of sins, the progenitor of the 7 deadly sins, an extraordinarily efficient form of violence by which one can do the most damage with the least effort. Instead of privately issued temporary money for profit, which creates that for-profit mindset so prevalent in society that Frederick notes accurately as a central problem, we could create, as has been done in certain instances throughout history, money publicly as a permanently circulating asset issued for public purpose, i.e. the general welfare, as its first use. This would transform the greed paradigm into a care paradigm. This we must do. Join us at monetaryalliance.org