I think what is missing is an understanding of how the money system works. Banks are creating the money they lend out of nothing for profit, that is usury. Now if money was issued by government debt-free into the productive economy for the gneral welfare as its first use things would be different. Banks would only advance credit based on the publicly issued money they have held in time deposits.
I don't believe we will ever get public policy that favors the general welfare of the people and planet until the money power is removed from the banks to become the responsibility of the elected government. The legislation to do this is already written and vetted by the office of legislative council and introduced in 2011 and is in the Green Party’s Platform. We just need to elect a Congress willing to act for the benefit of all, not just their donors.
• It ends the systematic concentration of wealth to the wealthiest
• Stabilizes the economy by eliminating the bank driven boom/bust cycle
• It sets the economy onto an income basis instead of a debt basis
• It would empower Congress to serve the people
Learn more at monetaryalliance.org