"If enough of us" indeed. LOL While I am happy you are sort of recognizing money is power, you may still be entertaining some illusions about it. Yes, money is an abstraction. It is also a critical human innovation older than the wheel and it was not intended to be a debt and was not for millennia. instead it was a payment of debts. Today all money is issued as debt. BTW most economists have no clue about money as they are not taught about money, this includes Richard Wolff and the MMT gang. Marx did not get it either. He and most people think capitalism is about ownership but in reality it is about the private control of money creation. If you control the money you can own anything, you can even avoid the liabilities of ownership and make owners pay you so they can own. Socialists tend to eschew money rather than make any attempt to understand it. And if you point that out then of course you are attacked as a capitalist. The bankers got involved with the universities in the late 19th century and had Political Economy divided into Economics; the study of wealth while ignoring power, and Political Science; the study of power while ignoring wealth. Political Economy was the study of the relationship between wealth and power and money is the mechanism of power. I would love to discuss the money system in person with you. I read your work a lot and appreciate your views on most things and agree, narrative is important and we need a new one. See The Problem with Money here: https://howardswitzer.medium.com/ and learn more about it here if you are interested: https://www.monetaryalliance.org/ Best to you.