is that the Democrats represent a democracy any more than the Republicans do. Neoliberalism is not liberal, it is an oligarchy driven juggernaught designed to enslave us all. Their power is the control of the creation and allocation of the world's money supply as interest-bearing debt. Time to cut loose of the stupid horizontal struggle and turn it vertical to topple the top, elect a Congress dedicated to the public interest who will ban the current system and will claim our sovereign right to issue debt-free, permanently circulating sovereign money and for the first time in history establich a real democracy. The legislation to do this is already written and was introduced to Congress in 2011 (the NEED Act). We need a movement to pass that legislation. Another big lie many wrongy believe is that our government creates and issues the money. Global debt is $315T while the entire global money supply is $85T. “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” Prov 22:7