The throttling of the American economy by the FED as Wall Street profits soar conjures images of a drunken party like the one above. However, today’s debauchees are drunk more with power than drink, the power afforded those private interests who have the privilege of controlling our nation’s monetary system. This has gotten critical now as the excesses allowed by their money system are threatening the ecological base for all economy, for the source of all wealth is life.
Considering this it is funny that Monetary Reform is at the very bottom of the Green Party’s Platform and isn’t even listed in the Table of Contents. This when the solutions to everything in the platform above it will depend on changing the money system from private debt-for-profit …to public asset for care. This is because without Congress restoring its sovereign monetary authority, the changes will be mostly lobbyist driven, cosmetic and inadequate. Does it not make sense that one has to have the power to fund public policy before you can adequately implement public policy? Why do so many seem to ignore the relationship between money and power when that is what revolutions are all about? Perhaps Lenin was right.
“There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction and does…