Member-only story
Money for Democracy:
Ending Polarization
Political scientists know that economic inequality drives political polarization, but they have not got a clue of what the driver of economic inequality is. (They study power while ignoring wealth) Economists too are no help as they deal more with false assumptions than reality. (They study wealth while ignoring power) Since policies in recent decades have created greater inequality, we are experiencing more polarization. The divisions are deepening and cannot be stopped with inequality constantly widening the division. The economic driver of inequality is far more powerful than civil discourse can manage.
The DC riot was organized by the President and recalcitrant GOP members of Congress, but it is the entire money dominated Congress that has allowed private wealth to create the conditions of extreme inequality (see the Princeton Study) and the systemic robbing of the nation. So, we need to change the system that creates that inequality and that is the monetary system. The grassroots movement started in the 19th century by farmers, with its 40,000 lecturers educating the population about the money system, is as relevant as ever now and the item at the very top of all their platforms was to change the money system from private bank-issued money to public government-issued money. That was a real populist movement, not the manipulated fraud that trashed the capitol.