NO, DK, the banker/financiers have all the power. A revolution must identify the enemy accurately or like Salvador Allende said, and our forefathers could have,; "We won the revolution but we did not win the power." Money is the governing factor, it is the power, and to control its creation and allocation is absolute power. The fatal blind-spot that most thinkers on the left, right and center have when it comes to money and banking, is that they all assume that banks lend savers' deposits to borrowers, when in fact this never happens, and so the banks not only lend the money, they create the money, and thus make the whole economy (and polity) entirely dependent on them - they have "the upper hand" over everyone else; industrialists, unionists, media, and politicians. It's a "hidden hand" because of the general ignorance of the basic fact that banks create money when they make loans (and destroy it when loans are repaid) - thus, the entire money supply is rented from the banks; they're the ultimate rentiers (not landlords, not industrialists). The landlords and industrialists are all in debt to the banks too.
I just wanted to make that point but your article was very good and I am sharing it.