Of course this is precisely the problem, money controls everything we do. As Frederick Soddy wrote in 1934, "To allow money to become a source of revenue to private issuers is to create, first, a secret and illicit arm of the government and, last, a rival power strong enough ultimately to overthrow all other forms of government."
As former WHO director Margaret Chan explained, most of the organization’s funding comes from private donors and that they decide what that funding is to be spent on. In other words, only money talks, those who fund the WHO tell it what to do. This is true not only of the WHO but of every public and private institution in the world including governments, as the 2014 Princeton study on political influence by Gilens and Page indicated. We all know this is true. As Lord Acton pointed out well over 100 years ago, “power corrupts.” The “power” he was referring to was money. He continued that “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Here he was referring to the power to create money, which is a public power that the commercial banks of the finance industry usurped from our government though legislative sleight of hand in 1913. As Lord Acton said, “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.“
If we want beneficial public policy, we will have to change who has power to create money, from the private banking system, owned by BlackRock, to a public purpose utility funding the real needs of people. The legislation is already written to change the system, the people just need to understand that it is a key issue for their lives. It will require growing a movement large enough to elect leaders moral enough to pass it. monetaryalliance.org