"The cause of the Great Depression was that there were too many goods being produced and people were not interested in buying what they didn’t want or need."
I want to explain as briefly as possible why this statement is wrong. Remember Bernays armed our owners with market psychology precisely so they could sell what they made instead of what people wanted. But I agree with most of what you wrote.
The cause of the Great Depression was investigated Congressionally by the Pecora Commission which uncovered a wide range of abusive practices on the part of banks and bank affiliates. Basically, all the banks have to do to create a depression or recession is the stop lending money at the top of a bubble, which is created by the banks as debt. No loans = no money = depression. This allows their owner/investors then to pick up property for pennies on the dollar which they have been doing. Every recession/depression is a transfer of wealth. We want to change the system - monetaryalliance.org