There is definitely a psychological dimension to the problems of this civilization, in fact I think it is key. It has to do with relations and money is relational. This civilization began when money was perverted, the Great Mother archetype ruling life, nurturing, and money was kicked out of the temple and money, instead of a just platform for distributing goods and services was tuned into a for-profit business turning money from a free payment system to a system of usurious debt. The religious roots of money turned toward personal gain.
As Caitlin Johnstone writes,
"Our civilization is rife with problems despite its great wealth because our civilization has prioritized generating wealth over solving problems. It doesn’t make anyone rich to address the root causes of crime, sickness, war, poverty or ecocide, so those problems go unaddressed.
"In a civilization which prioritizes the generation of wealth over the solving of problems, the option which generates wealth will always win out over the option which solves the problem. War profiteers, prison profiteers, big pharma, ecocidal industrialists — they all know this."
Those who truly have the solutions are considered crackpots or worse and are not believed.