True, people produce the wealth making useful things but that is not what is going on. Most new money is going into speculation on existing assets and not going to producing useful things plus wasting a lot on war and oppression. Plus their externalized costs are killing us. What the demurrage fee did was change the dynamics of net present value which got people to thinking long term instead of the short term thinking of the debt-money system. The system was demonstrated in 1932 in the depths of the Great Depression in Wörgl, Austria. It accomplished $2.5 million in public works in 15 months for only $6000 due to its high velocity. People saw the value coming back to them and even started paying their taxes early. Public spending is good for people, it affected people's attitudes for the better as well. The central bank had the currency banned and plunged them back into the depression with high unemployment. The people were so angry at the bankers they supported Hitler. "You must know the past in order to understand the present." Carl Sagan. We may need to do somoething like this to address the multiple crices coming down on us.