"We are greedy, oblivious, and hateful. We are gluttonous, fat, overfed, and wasteful. We are self-centered and don’t give a damn about anyone else." I think this is because we live under a monetary system that is institutionalized usury. These are the effects of unbridled usury on a society, Anthony. These are why religions banned the practice and Dante described it as "an extraordinarily efficient form of violence by which one does the most damage with the least effort." I think money is the "leverage point" in the economic system. A leverage point is a point in a system where a small change can change the entire system. They are also the point where systems analysts discover there is often already a lot of attention being put but all pushing in the wrong direction. We need a public money system. #monetaryalliance.org
I agree with you that human innovation can repair it all, we already know how but it requires public investment and for that we have to have good public policy and investment now controlled by profit motivated corporations. We can do more with less, its the profit motive baked into the system that has distorted our priorities. Change the money, change the world.