Well folks, Jared might be a little over the top here but there is in fact something to be done, and the legislation is already been written that would change the system and end the institutionalized usury that is the current privately owned and controlled Fed banking system issuing all money as debt. The NEED Act HR2990 was introduced in 2011 by Dennis Kucinich that would remove the privilage that banks were given to create the nation's money for profit as a private business. Money, like healthcare, education, police and fire protection should not be private for profit businesses, insurance too. That is the usurous root of the problem. We don't need to nationalize the banks, just take that function away and they become mere financial intermediaries like people believe they are now. All money would be created publicly for the common good, care instead of profit, as its first use. This eliminates the systemic concentration of wealth, ends the economic growth imperative, eliminates the boom/bust cycle and reverses the devastating psychological consequences of money issued under usury. Learn more at monetaryalliance.org or greensformonetaryreform.org or the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR), or workableeconomics.com.