Well I had a hard time finding you but finally got Medium to recognize you. I thought perhaps the algorythms had buried you. BTW, I recall you on the Green list when Manley was running back when. As I said I have been enjoying your excellent articles and agree with most of what you write. My one issue is about the idea of eliminating money instead of changing how, by whom and for what it is created.
We currently have a 400+ year old private system issuing all money as interest bearing debt owed to the issuers, the commercial banks. (that's crazy) Money is a social power that belongs to the people, not a private business. I agree with you too about the social democracies but there are lessons to be learned from the Nordic Model experience, which I'm sure you are aware of, they just didn't go far enough and demand the control of money. Instead they were bought off with social investments. I have a hard time understanding why socialists would eschew money when it is a social power the people should be in charge of. Can you explain?
Money is an ancient innovation on the level of fire. The Greeks recognized 10 centuries before CE that the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance was to issue the money debt free for the public welfare. This is kept secret by public incredulity, as Marshal McLuhan pointed out. Would you be up for a zoom call sometime to discuss?