Who Wins?

Howard Switzer
2 min read2 days ago

The Money or the People

We can be pretty sure that the Money will in the election, it has for many decades. As the election closes in on us the choices are becoming much clearer. The two major candidates are turning up the heart and have made it clear they are both dedicated to serving Israel, not America First, which is a campaign lie. Both will continue the western invasion of the middle east, and the genocide of Gaza. Both are threatening the world with nuclear war as their master, the Money, seeks to maintain its hegemony and enslave the world.

Of course, the two top candidates weren’t really our choice, that was made by the Money. The Money decides who gets to run and decides who wins. The media driven race is kept close in the polls to obscure the fix. It seems to me to be a remarkable accomplishment to get the nation passionately divided so evenly. The campaign promises from the candidates are enthusiastically embellished by their supporters to make them sound like they will do something good, but we all know by now that campaign promises are just lies, impure and simple, never kept. The Money’s agenda always marches on, uninhibited as it determines our nation’s domestic and foreign public policy. The public has no say in the nation’s “public” policy as the 2014 Princeton study by Gilens and Paige proved.

Third party candidates in this money driven winner-takes-all system, are marginalized and generally ignored as the race heats up. However, the Democratic Party just made history by producing the first ever campaign ad attacking a third-party candidate, Jil Stein. Third-party candidates are always attacked as spoilers because they tend to complicate the fix as votes cannot be depended upon to go to one of the two major Money candidates. However, as Ralph Nader asked in 2000, “How can you spoil what is already so spoiled?”

The choices we are given this Presidential election could not be starker; two candidates dedicated to continuing to fund the war machine instead of the needs of the American people. The Money is only interested in getting more money and war has long been its major source of profits. in fact, the word capitalism comes from the French word capitalisme, the system of war finance, That is, borrowing large amounts of money to cover the enormous costs of war.

America’s choices are limited because it is not a government by and for the people, it is a government by those who control the Money. America could at last claim a democracy if it were able to vote against the Money. The peace candidate will not likely win but could, if America was ready to change the corrupt political economy we have.



Howard Switzer

Howard Switzer is an ecological architect and monetary reformer in rural Tennessee.