Yes we do, however, you've left out the most important institution, the root problem, the governing factor, the mechanism of power, MONEY. More specifically, the monetary system in which the private for-profit banking system creates all our money as interest-bearing debt. As Harvard Law's Christine Desan notes, it is a system that went viral over 300 years ago and is the key feature of capitalism, the source of the capitalist's power. As the 2014 Princeton study by Gillens and Page on political influence proved, money is the main factor controlling public policy. This has been so normalized people can't see it, a major blind spot that allows us to be driven into oblivion by the greedy power hungry elites (BlackRock/Vanguar/State Street) who own it. The liberals abandoned liberalism for personal gain. The solution is the replace the privately controlled debt-based money system with a publicly controlled debt-free money system. Money should be issued as an asset, not a debt, becasue you can't get out of debt with more debt. Debt is a form of slavery.